Granting this permission provides the BBC Media Player app with access to the internet so it can play programmes. Network Communication – full internet access.The 3 permissions the BBC Media Player app asks to use are: These are standard Android app permissions that are defined by the Google Android platform. You may notice that when you install the app it asks you for permission to access your phone’s network communication, phone calls, and system tools. If you install this app you accept the BBC Terms of Use at If you are not happy to be included in our usage reporting, please do not install the app. Please note that information about your playback experience is collected when you use the BBC Media Player app. Whenever you play any video or audio the BBC Media Player will launch and handle playback of the content. Once you have downloaded this application, continue to use your favourite BBC websites and apps on your Android device as normal. BBC Media Player works with BBC websites and applications to provide video and audio playback on your Android device.