5.3 Executing Mobile Test Suite on pCloudy.5.2 Recording over locally connected android device.5.1 Recording over android mobile device on pCloudy.4.7 Creating test case by adding Flowchart.4.6 Creating Pre & Post Execution Report.4.5 Creating Test Case by recording on IE & IE (Protected).4.4 Creating test case by recording (Web & Mobile).4.3 Creating test case by adding test steps.3.4 Getting familiar with OpKey Web User Interface.3.2 Account Registration & Getting Ready to work with OpKey.2.4 Downloading & Installing OpKey Execution Agent.2.3 Downloading and installing OCC on Mac machine.2.2 Downloading and installing OCC on Windows machine.2.1 Installing JRE (version 1.8 or above).1.1 Automate your first Test just within 10 minutes.